My Favorite
Snow Pictures
No two snowflakes are ever alike
Cold Noses and Warm Hearts
Cold Noses and Warm Hearts: Beloved Dog Stories by Great Authors
favorite book on gait is Curtis Brown's "Dog Locomotion and Gait Analysis
Sometimes there is that perfect picture.
beautifully illustrated by Robert Cole. And the "DOGSTEPS" video/DVD by Rachel
Page Elliott is still an excellent resource, with fascinating slow-motion
The Eternal Gift I think animals do sometimes have characteristics, or
perhaps personality traits that can run through life times. Of course each
animal has it's own unique personality to be sure. Just like people do. But in
talking to them I do have the idea that there are tendencies, or traits, that
are a part of our unique soul. After all, it is our soul that comes with each
new body, it is the essence of who we are. So if the soul has a certain
"personality" (for lack of a better word), it would make sense that some of that
would manifest in the new animal body. Though the personality could be quite
different. Maybe Tyler (for example) is fun loving in this life, and enjoys
rolling on fabric. Maybe the dog in your past life was serious, but enjoyed
rolling on fabric.
Interesting stuff! Lauren McCall