Joined friends at the park to
training our dogs for obedience dog shows. At the park there
was a welcoming
ceremony for the Midvale,
Utah police disbanded and merged with Unified Police Dept.
We like to have distractions. Kids: riding by on
bikes, playing soccer. But that was a plus to have police
officers walking around in their dark uniforms riding their
motorcycles behind our dogs while the dogs did a sit stay
then a down stay with the handler out of sight. Dogs have to
sit for three minutes then down for five minutes with the
handlers 50 to 75 feet away where the dogs can't see the
handlers. We have someone watching to make sure dogs stay. Just behind Ms Mickee (white dog) is a row of
Police officers motorcycle.. 
Comfy Control Dog Harness

A little hat to keep the sun out of her eyes.